Travels in Eco-land: Naked Larder

November 18, 2019 § Leave a comment

Saturday was my third trip to Naked Larder. I try to make it an adventure for my young daughter. At Herne Hill station we go through the ‘underground tunnel’ and then the ‘secret passage’ (under Academic House) before turning to head up the hill, then left on Kestrel Avenue (what a great name for a road) and ‘look for the glove on the gate’. And before we even get to the shed there’s the mystery of the ‘treehouse’ with no tree and no ladder, always prompting the question “how do we get up?”


My wife discovered Naked Larder, not me. I got sent there on the first trip with our daughter, a print-out of our order (made by my wife), and a selection of tupperware and some pillow cases. Gazed round in wonder at all the boxes, and quickly realised that filling up our containers could be easily turned into a game.
I could explain what Naked Larder is, but their website does it better than I could: “We buy dry goods and eco-friendly cleaning products in bulk to minimise packaging and reduce cost. Our customers collect their orders using their own reusable containers. Join us in our quest to create a brighter future for our planet.” Do I feel virtuous as I leave with my coffee beans, bread flour, oats, rice and sugar? Of course I do. I also feel hopeful.

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